No Holes

Each day before my family begins homeschooling, we spend time reading a family devotional and praying over various things. One morning I requested prayer over an upcoming weekend healing retreat, hosted by Not Forgotten Ministries twice a year. I asked for protection over the volunteers and the participants. I explained that the enemy always tries to distract, deter, and destroy before a retreat. My kids remembered specifically a time when I broke my foot just hours before leaving for the retreat. We also discussed other attacks of the enemy our family and those who attend the retreat have experienced. 

Evan, my twelve-year-old son, volunteered to pray over our retreat. As he prayed, he said, “God, please put Your angels around everyone going to the retreat. We know You don’t put holes in Your angels so with them all around, nothing can get through and nothing can touch anyone coming.”

I was so touched by his prayer and his faith. Adults often pray with a little “give” saying things like, "Lord, I’d like you to do this thing, but I don’t know if You will so I’m just going to softly ask so I won’t get my hopes up." But my son prayed with absolute certainty that God would put His angels around us and He doesn’t allow holes in His angels. His prayer reminded me of Matthew 18:4(ESV) which says, "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." May we all have childlike humility and faith, to truly believe God hears and will answer our prayers!

A picture filled my mind as Evan prayed, revealing what it might look like to have angels all around, with no holes or space for anything to get through to us. I saw huge, bright angels huddled together like a football team before a game. Each person in the middle of our own huddle of angels. With their wings wrapped around, there were no spaces or holes for anything to get through.

I used AI to help me create a picture similar to the one that filled my mind as Evan prayed.

Psalm 91:11 (NIV) says, “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

 This verse highlights the watchful care that God provides for His people. He is not distant or unconcerned about our lives, but actively works to ensure our safety and well-being. His care is personal and constant. He even sends His angels to guard and protect us.

It also offers a glimpse into the ministry of angels, who serve as God's agents in the world. They provide protection and guidance for those who put their faith in God. While we may not always be aware of their presence, we can trust that angels are watching over us, protecting us, and ministering to us.

No matter what you face today, I pray you will be able to feel the presence of the Lord and the angels He has placed around you. They are huddled all around, with no holes, so you are completely covered and protected. We can embrace this day and every day, with no fear because we are guarded in all of our ways.




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