This is Why!

On November 19th I had a hysterectomy. After spending two nights in the hospital I was able to come home. My recovery seemed to be typical and I was feeling a bit better a week after the surgery. At my follow up appointment, the doctor said my two of my incisions appeared infected. She gave me antibiotics and told me to take it easy. Two days later I returned to the doctor because all four of my incisions had re-opened completely and puss was oozing out of all of them. She cauterized them with silver nitrate which was one of the most painful things I’ve ever endured. As tears streamed down my face, I couldn’t help but wonder why this was suddenly happening. I had been healing so well but now it felt like I was back at square one. I have spent the next week in bed, trying to rest and heal and still have a long way to go. Ankylosing Spondylitis keeps me from healing like a “normal person” and everything is much more difficult for me. I have  also been dealing with heightened AS symptoms too, since I was unable to have my treatments prior to surgery.

As I laid in bed a couple of days ago, I realized why all of this was happening. The enemy is angry with me. He wants to destroy me, if not physically, at least emotionally. 


Well, take a look at what’s been happening with Not Forgotten Ministries in the past 3 weeks….

·         -The day before my surgery we were given a new mentee who was 35 weeks pregnant.

        - A baby shower was arranged for her by her mentor and the community rallied around this precious girl and her son.

        - The day after her shower, her baby boy was born!

        - I was added to the Pro-Life Speaker’s Bureau  (

         -The pastor at Triad Baptist Church shared a Sunday morning message including my story and encouraged his congregation to purchase my book. (

·      -A faithful donor gave us a huge gift that allowed us to move forward with being able to provide free ultrasounds. (They also doubled their gift because they saw God at work in a very specific amazing way!)

        -Two Pakistani babies were born that we recently helped save from abortion because of our partnership with Pakistani missionaries.

        -A doctor in the community agreed to be our Medical Director.

         -We have been planning and organizing our Weekend Retreat for post-abortive women.

·         -I signed the contract and mailed the check for the TLC program (converting us to a medical clinic)

       -A generous donor has decided to pay for the implementation of a complex marketing plan through a professional company to help us get the word out about our ministry! He plans to pay for this in its entirety going-forward as well.

       -We set up our ultrasound room in the Not Forgotten Ministries office.

       - Another Pakistani single mom of two chose life for her unborn child.

·         -431 newsletters were mailed out to families and churches in the community sharing our upcoming post-abortive Bible studies, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming trainings.

        -I was asked to speak at a church in January.

        -The sidewalk ministry began being organized and led by a dedicated volunteer.

     -We were asked to participate in a nationwide event called, “Peace in the Womb.” We began the planning process for this caroling event outside of the abortion facility

      -We have two faithful volunteers serving in our ministry each weekday 9-2.

         -Basil (the first baby NFM saved) turned 1 year old.

When I look at that list, I no longer wonder why I’m having such a difficult time healing. It’s clear. The enemy is attacking me because he hates what the Lord is doing through my story and the ministry God has created through it. Satan wants to keep me down. Little does he know--this isn’t about just me! God has made that abundantly clear to me over the past week. God has provided friends and family to help me be able to rest by bringing meals, watching my children, praying, and helping with the ministry. I’ve been so blessed by these incredible women of God and the sisterhood that has developed through Not Forgotten Ministries.

It’s very hard for me to rest. I am a doer and I want to be involved in things. It’s not easy for me to sit back and watch. But for the past few weeks I’ve been forced to, and God has shown Himself in beautiful ways! I’ve decided now to consider this “set back” from the enemy as a gift from God. I am going to sit and watch God come through while I lay in my bed. This ministry isn’t dependent on me and what I can do or how hard I work. This is about God and His ability to use those who are willing. It has been and continues to be a pleasure to watch God use my story and the ministry He began through it, to bless others and encourage His people to get involved.

At the beginning of this year, on January 4th, I wrote a “title” in my 2020 journal and it said, Watch God Come Through! The list above is from the past three weeks but honestly, this entire year has looked like that! God has absolutely come through! And now, at the end of this year, it feels as though I’ve been given a front row SEAT, to WATCH His plans unfold and His provisions pan out. I had to be forced to sit and watch because I don’t willingly sit on the sidelines but what a joy it is, to end this year realizing that my “title” was actually a prophecy over my personal life as well as my ministry.



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