Sharing My Story...

This weekend I had the honor of speaking at a Women's Conference in Galax, VA. The theme of the weekend was Seasons and it was truly a wonderful time of worship and learning. It's still hard for me to believe they asked me to be a guest speaker. This was my first time telling my entire story, with all its ups and downs. The ugly truth followed by all the ways God has turned things around for me. It wasn't easy to say out loud in front of hundreds of women but it was very fulfilling to hear so many of those women share their gratitude for my transparency. Many of them learned the truth of abortion. Some of them finally heard a fellow post-abortive woman share her story. A few even shared their stories with me for the first time. Thankfully, a couple of these ladies have signed up for Not Forgotten Ministries' upcoming Virtual Post-Abortive Bible Study where they will be able to find the hope and healing God wants for them.

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story with so many of God's precious daughters. It's not an easy story to share but I believe it needs to be told. Light needs to be shed on abortion and what it really does to women. My prayer is that God will use my story to help other women find healing and eventually share their stories. The post-abortive woman can have a great impact on the fight against abortion by revealing the truth about this hidden tragedy. I am thankful that I get to be a part of the rescue mission for so many unborn babies and their mommas.


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