NC Rally and March for Life

Today I attended the North Carolina Right for Life Rally and March for Life with my sweet friend, Linsey. It was really such an honor to be around so many people devoted to the pro life movement! We started the morning at the Prayer Breakfast. Sitting alongside congressman, senators, pro-life leaders, etc, we heard Kurt Kondrich tell the story of his daughter born with down syndrome, Chloe, and the amazing impact she has had over the past few years even though so many doctors recommend that babies like Chloe be aborted. We heard beautiful music, amazing prayers, and incredible stories. And out of nowhere, I was asked to pray in front of hundreds of people! I'm still unsure of how that happened!

Me praying at the NC Right for Life Prayer Breakfast 

Linsey and I got to meet Chloe Kondrich

After the breakfast we drove downtown for the Rally and March for Life. There was a huge crowd! It was so powerful to see so many people of all ages, races, and backgrounds come together for such an important cause. Right there, in the middle of North Carolina's capital, we sang songs of praise to God and cried out in prayer for His help. Then we marched through the streets of downtown Raleigh. There were a few very obnoxious pro-choice fanatics nearby with bullhorns but they didn't even begin to damper the march. 

Best sign I saw all day!

Today I am grateful for such an amazing day with a sweet friend and the thousands of others fighting for the lives of the preborn. I never, ever, imagined I would be considered a leader in the pro-life movement! God has totally revamped my life and my desires. He's given me a new vision and a new dream.  His ways are so much better! I am also thankful that He would allow me to be a part of today's event in Raleigh where I would meet so many other people He has given the same vision and dream.  


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