For all the Mommas...

This morning, while worshiping during our 11:00 church service, God gave me a vision.  Now don't think I'm crazy. I know a lot of folks don't believe God gives people visions these days but Joel 2:28 says, " I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." God doesn't discriminate so if a young man can see a vision, so can a 30-something woman. Not only did he share this vision with me, He wants me to share with it others....other mothers specifically.

As I was singing this morning I began thinking about Mother's Day and what it really means to be a mother. How does God see mothers? Suddenly, it was as if God drew a picture in my mind. It was so clear and so vivid. I immediately knew He was showing me how He sees those He has called to be moms. I say calling because that is exactly what I felt Him say...that each one of us with children, whether they came from our bodies or not, have been called into this position. It was not by chance. God chose us. He called us to be mommies.

I tried to draw the vision He gave me but I'm no artist so my attempts just weren't doing it for me. I am often touched by nature and learn so much from God's creations so I began looking online for a photo that might capture the vision. Within seconds I found it. THIS is the vision He gave me.

"There the owl nests and lays and hatches and gathers her young in her shadow." Isaiah 34:15

My mind was filled with a mother owl wrapping her large wings around her owlets. This is how God sees me as a mom, and you also, if you are a mom. He has called us to wrap our arms around the little ones He has given us. He didn't call us to be perfect. He didn't call us to never make mistakes. He called us to wrap our children in love and protection as they begin their journey on this earth. I also saw the owl begin to move forward, sort of pushing her little ones in front of her. I believe God was saying, "I have called you to guide them, to encourage them, and lead them to Me."

I quickly began thinking about how the Enemy lies to us as mothers. He tells us we aren't good enough, we aren't doing enough, we aren't equipped, we fail constantly, we are unorganized and waste time, we aren't smart enough, we aren't courageous enough, we're full of fear and hatred, and we're doing this all alone. Then my thoughts included my friends who are single moms, moms dealing with sickness, widowed moms, and those that have fallen short as a mother in the past. I felt sadness creep in because all of us, for one reason or another, feel as though we aren't worthy of the calling or capable of all that it demands. In response God says, "NO, I created YOU for this. You are exactly what they need you to be."

As soon as that thought was completed, the vision morphed into something more. It sort of zoomed out, like a video. Suddenly the mother owl wasn't the only one sheltering the babies. There was a much bigger, more lovely, more powerful owl with his wings completely sheltering the mother and her babies. 

While I couldn't find the exact image I envisioned, this one is very close. Doesn't it immediately make you think of Psalm 91:4? It says, "He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."

We walk through this season of life thinking that we're doing this motherhood thing by ourselves. We are often totally oblivious to the Ultimate Parent that is right here with us, protecting us and guiding us, just as He has called us to do for our children. We put so much emphasis on our performance as mothers and we listen to the lies Satan is continuously whispering. But what we need to do is look up and fix our eyes on the One who is in this with us. Let's face it, we're going to have bad days and we're going to mess up, but He will still be right there guiding, loving, and protecting us as we guide, love, and protect our children.

This vision has been on my mind all day. I scrolled through Facebook this afternoon and I asked God how He sees the moms in my feed. As face after face popped up on my screen, words kept coming to my mind. This is how He sees you fellow mothers, my friends.

Strong, brave, able, powerful, equipped, blessed, bolstered, gentle, capable, bold, willing, fierce, movable, wise, fun, beautiful, teachable, faithful, trustworthy, cherished, joyful, determined, warrior.

Today I am grateful for this vision, for myself but also for other moms that feel anything but equipped. We are equipped because of Him. He has called us and has given us all that we need. Most importantly, He will never, not even for a second, leave us to do this mothering thing alone. Even in the potty training, the non-stop bickering, and the drama-filled teenage years, He will be there. We might miss the mark, but He won't. I am also thankful for the little ones He has entrusted to me, to wrap my arms around and guide as they begin their lives in this crazy world. What a sweet gift it is to be their momma.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Hi! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be
    ok. I'm absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new updates.


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