A Celebration!

We celebrated Dylan's 10th birthday today with friends at the Celebration Station! Everyone had such a great time! The kids had pizza and cake, played all sorts of arcade games, rode bumper boats and go-karts and then played putt putt. It was an afternoon packed full of fun!

Dylan with all his buddies
Dylan with his brothers
Dylan loves Charlie Chaplin and wanted a Charlie Chaplin cake!
The picture is one of Charlie Chaplin except it has Dylan's face! Haha! 

Present Time!

Ticket Tornado
Dylan and friends on Bumper Boats

Bryan and Tyson are in the middle boat. Tyson LOVED the boats! 

 Today I am grateful for all the friends that attended Dylan's party! It's always exciting to watch the kids all interact with one another and have such a fun time together! What a sweet gift good friends are! I am also thankful for the ability to celebrate my biggest boy's BIG birthday with a big party! He had a great time and that makes my heart so happy!


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