You're Doing Good Momma

I am a list-maker. I have at least one to-do list going at all times. I also have a daily and monthly planner, where I write down alllllll the things I have to do. I mean, when you have 4 children, you have to write things down! I love being able to check things off my list. It makes me feel good, I guess, like I've actually gotten something done. I've even been known to write things on my list after I've accomplished them, just so I could check them off! 
Silly, I know. 

Recently, I've been feeling aggravated with myself for not being able to check things off my list. I have a whole lot going on and not much time to do all of those extra things on my to-do list. But still, I hate not being able to check those things off! 

I have been praying about this and been reassured that God isn't bothered by my to-do list or how many things I check off of it. I do know, however, that He cares deeply about me and wants me to know that even if I never check another thing off my list, He would still love me just the same. 

As I was praying, I felt led to make a list of everything I do in one day....just a list from a random day in the life of a homeschooling mom of 4 who has a successful KEEP business and is starting a new  homeschool co-op. So, yesterday I made a list of all the things I did for an entire day.  The list goes on and on.
and on.

 If you ever hear anyone say stay-at-home-moms just sit around all day-----I beg to differ! Looking at that list proves that I get a lot done, even if I never get to mark one thing off of my to-do list!

Today I am grateful to have felt God's nudge to truly take a look at all I am doing, to be ok with what life looks right now, and to silence the power of the to-do list.  As I read over that list today I felt God whisper to me, "See, you're doing good, Momma."

I know I'm the only one that feels this way. So many of us moms never sit down but feel like we've gotten nothing of value accomplished. I just feel the need to say to so many other Mom's out there, the ones who feel like they never get anything done but actually never stop doing all. the. things. 
You're Doing Good, Momma!


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