The Gift Catalog

This evening, after our family devotion time, we shared "The Gift Catalog" with our older boys. They've seen a whole lot catalogs lately from Target and Toys R Us, of which they wanted to pick out all the things they want for Christmas. So we thought it would be a good idea for them to pick out some gifts for another child or family, that is truly in need. If you haven't seen "The Gift Catalog," take a look at the link below. It's a great catalog from Samaritan's Purse. It has lots of gifts options with many different price ranges. You can gift animals, blankets, food, milk, wells, etc. 

We let the boys look through the catalog to find something they thought would be great for another child or family. They chose to give a family 12 baby chicks and Gospel Booklets in the correct language for a particular community.  Dylan was so excited about this! I mentioned that I would pay online for the chicks and booklets after he went to bed but he was not ok with that! He said, "NO! I want to pay for this out of my money!" So, he did! He gave me money out of his piggy bank!

God’s compassions “are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:23). So are fresh eggs, for families who raise chickens supplied by Samaritan’s Purse. Your gift of $14 will provide 12 chicks or other poultry that will soon lay enough protein-rich eggs to feed a family, with enough left over to sell or trade at market.

The Bible tells us that when Jesus was 12, his parents found Him in the Temple, “sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions.” (Luke 2:46). Children everywhere need to know how much God loves them. That’s why we include “Greatest Gift” booklets with Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. For just $5, we can supply booklets for 10 children to read the Gospel in their very own language.

My sweet boy! He wouldn't let me pay for these gifts! I can't even explain how much joy that brought to my heart! He has such a giving spirit! 

Today I am thankful for the "The Gift Catalog" by Samaritan's Purse. I love this way of giving because we get to see exactly what will be done with our money! I love the teachable moments that this created for my boys and also for the opportunity they had to choose a gift for another family.  I am also grateful for Dylan's willingness to give! 2 Corinthians 9:17b says that God loves a cheerful giver. Well, I can understand why! I was touched by Dylan's excitement about giving! The fact that he wouldn't allow me to pay and wanted to give out of his own money, is more valuable than all the money in his piggy bank! I know God must love it when we want to give instead of doing so reluctantly. 

If you have a minute, check out "The Gift Catalog!" It's a wonderful way to take the attention off of our wants and desires and realize that there are others in the world that are truly in need, and we can help! Here's the website:


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