Old and New Traditions

Over the past few days we have said "goodbye" to one family tradition and "hello" to a new family tradition. We've traveled to Pennsylvania for years, visited family, spent time together, gone shopping, and eaten Thanksgiving dinner at Ruby Tuesday. It has been such a fun family tradition that has created many wonderful memories. Since none of our family is living in Pennsylvania any longer, we said "goodbye" to that tradition when we drove home yesterday.
Here are a few of our favorite memories from this year's visit to PA: 

I got to ride an elephant!!!!!!
This was the most amazing store!
We all like this kind of shopping!

Shopping at our favorite Grocery Store
We got to ride a horse and buggy when we spent the day in Lancaster!
Evan and Dylan got to ride a miniature horse!
Tyson REALLY enjoyed his first time eating a Shady Maple!
We went to Hershey Chocolate World!
We created our very own Chocolate Bars!
Tyson thought the hair nets were soooo funny!
 I'll admit, its hard to leave such a special place knowing that you may never go back. I have truly enjoyed visiting that little town with Bryan's family for the past 20 years, but as we drove home, I started to get a little excited about a new tradition, of having a big Thanksgiving meal at our home. Today, we had a huge turkey, all the trimmings, and lots of family over to celebrate. This is our first time eating an actual turkey on Thanksgiving in years and years! I was soooo excited to make it!!

Here's my turkey!!!! YAY!
Look at Dylan! Haha
My hubby and Me
Katee and Tyson are only 2 weeks apart! They were so cute
together tonight!
Today I am thankful for Thanksgiving Day. Gratitude is something that is close to my heart every day so I truly enjoy when others take time to share what they are grateful for as well! I am also thankful for traditions. We have enjoyed  many wonderful years with amazing traditions. I hate to see those end but I'm looking forward to new traditions and new memories. Mostly I am grateful for the people I get to enjoy these traditions with each year. My Heavenly Father has blessed me abundantly. I am grateful today and every day.


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