Most important thing....

Today at MOMS, we discussed Heaven and Hell. We were reminded that even though many folks don't seem to take it very seriously, our relationship with Christ really is the most important thing in our lives and the lives of those we love. We can't live for ourselves and then end up in Heaven with God. If we want to live with God in the after life, we need to live FOR Him now.

For some reason, it's "offensive" to talk about Hell and how horrible it will be so, we don't. Therefore, I don't think people realize that it isn't a joke. Whether they want to to believe it or not, they will be fully aware whether they are in Heaven or Hell. We won't be asleep---death is just a doorway into the next life, so we will still be conscious of what is going on around us. Hell is real. Heaven is real. Which would you prefer to be aware of???

All of this heavy discussion at our table turned into a time of sharing about those folks who have passed away and no one was sure whether or not they were saved. When I say saved, I mean, no one knew if that person had ever surrendered their life to Jesus, believing that He is the only One who could forgive them of their sins and the only Way that they could spend eternity with God. What a terrible tragedy that is. Either those people didn't know Jesus and will be spending eternity in Hell or, their relationship with Him wasn't really that big of a deal to them. I think that is so sad in so many ways.

I want ya'll to know, THIS GIRL, is going to HEAVEN! I believe in Jesus. I know He died for me and saves me from my sins. He covers me with His righteousness so that I can stand before God, blameless and free. One day, I will get to stroll (or maybe even fly) along the golden streets of Heaven with my Jesus! Oh yes, I'll be in Heaven!!! And I want you to be too!

Today I am thankful for the salvation that Jesus blesses upon those who will simply believe. I am grateful that my family can be absolutely sure that they will see me again, because honestly what better gift can we give those we love? When a loved one passes, they've left us the gift of hope if they have openly proclaimed their belief in Jesus! I am also grateful that I can know, without a doubt, that I will get to spend eternity with my husband because he has given his life to Jesus too! What an amazing gift is that!??! Thank you Jesus!

I beg you, if you are a believer and you know, without doubt, that you will be spend eternity in Heaven....tell those around you! They need to know. If they don't know that about you, there is a chance the relationship you have with Jesus, isn't important enough to you. For those who don't know, without doubt, please get in touch with me. I'd love to share this amazing Savior with you so that you can KNOW!!!

Don't be afraid to talk about your salvation! Don't worry that someone may be offended if you ask them about their is the most important question you could ask them! I promise, if they are saved, they will not be bothered by your concern. And besides, people today are offended by everything, so we might as well make the most of it!


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