Medical Oddity

Yesterday I heard two words that aren't super comforting to someone experiencing pain. Those two words were "medical oddity."  Why?? Well, let me tell you! I fell down my steps about 6 months ago and my foot has been hurting ever since. I've been to 4 different doctors, had 7 x-rays (standing and laying), had a CT scan, and 4 ultrasounds on my foot....all which showed nothing. I'm guessing my doctors thought I was crazy but finally, a test showed something. Most recently I had a bone scan which showed that my foot is broken. It is broken in a way that cannot been seen on any other test (except MRI which I cannot have) and in a way that my body doesn't recognize. Ummm, what? My foot has been broken for 6 months and my body doesn't even realize it. And, it never will. So, my doctor looks at me says, "You just wanted to be a medical oddity, didn't you?" 

No, I didn't, especially since I've heard those words several times before! 

In 2007 I was diagnosed with Occipital Neuraglia after a year and half of doctors trying to figure out what was causing my horrific headaches in the back left side of my head. Occipital Neuralgia is basically nerve damage that is irreversible. How did I get it? No one knows! After receiving that diagnosis, I had a nerve stimulator implanted in my head. It wasn't even FDA approved at the time  but my doctor did an amazing job and it has been an enormous blessing to me! I have no pain unless the stimulator is turned off. (Then I have tons of pain!) I was also the first woman to have a baby (make that 3!) with this stimulator implanted! 

In 2009 I endured a back injury that took a year for doctors to figure out. I had test after test after test and it was finally discovered that one of my disc was leaking. I ended up having spinal fusion surgery and now, 6 years later, my doctor has finally figured out what continues to cause all of my pain. I have something called sacriolitis which is a rare issue with the SI joints in my hips that I will suffer with the rest of my life.

8 months after having my second child, I had horrible stomach pain. I ended up being hospitalized because of it and a few days later the doctor decided to remove my gall bladder even though the tests didn't necessarily show it as the cause of my pain. I'm glad he did because I immediately started feeling better! But, before I was even healed from that surgery, I started having stomach pain again, a little lower. I was sent by my doctor to the Emergency Room for a CT scan because they thought I had appendicitis. It ended up that I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured. My doctor said the surgery probably caused the cyst but of course, that is so rare. 

If those odd things aren't enough, I've also had Cat Scratch Fever (yes, that is a real diagnosis), Scarlet Fever and Strep Throat at the same time, Chicken Pox twice, Whopping Cough as an adult, and suffered from a horrible spinal headache (due to loss of spinal fluid) for 3 weeks which caused nerve issues that took a year to correct. Oh, and apparently ultrasounds of my unborn children can't been clearly seen since my Tyson was labeled "a girl" when he certainly is not one!

Reading all of  that probably gives you the idea that I'm in my sixties but no, I'm only 32! And according to my doctors a "medical oddity!" 

There is a popular Christian song by Colton Dixon called "Through all of it." I really like this song right now because it says, "I have won and I have lost. I got it right sometimes but sometimes I did not. Life's been a journey. I've seen joy, I've seen regret. Oh and You have been my God through all of it." With all the odd things that happened to me in the past, my God has been there through it all! It hasn't always been easy or pretty but I've learned so much about God's character as while perplexing my doctors. 

Today I am thankful to be a medical oddity. It would be easier to never be sick or in pain or even just have "normal stuff" wrong with me,  but I would have missed out on so much if that were my path. I am also grateful for the amazing ways God has provided for me through all of these situations. As I look back, I can clearly see how He lead me to the right doctors and provided right treatments and comfort when I needed it so desperately. He has sustained me through some really rough nights and strengthened me as try to  I continue on as a mother and wife. Yes, I'm odd (in more ways than one probably) but my God made me that way and has used these oddities to draw me closer to Himself and to bring Himself glory! 

As I continue on in this weird broken foot situation, I know that my God will be with me through this as well. He has a pretty good track record! I'll be getting a bone stimulator for my foot in the next week or two and if that doesn't cause bone growth, they may have to break my foot in a different way so that my body will recognize it and heal it. Ehhh.  I don't know what the weeks and months to come will look like but I know He will be with me and He will use this for good!


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