How do I say goodbye?

I've cried a million tears today. Even though we've known this day was coming for a while now, it didn't make it any easier. 

We have had our sweet puppy dog, Mitch, for almost 16 years. Bryan and I bought him from the pound during my freshman year of college. He was 2 years old when we adopted him. We knew then that he was different, he was the only one not barking at the pound! He lived in Bryan's apartment with him until we got married. Since then (2004) he has been our baby, our first baby actually. For those of you who knew him, you'll probably agree that very few dogs are like Mitch. He was the sweetest, most laid back, easy-going, loveable, huggable, dog ever! He has been with us during the wild and crazy college days all the way through turning our lives around, buying our first house, having our first child, my back injury, having another baby boy, deciding to homeschool, buying a new home, and having a third little boy. He has always been the most gentle creature, loving us through every trial and every blessing. I honestly cannot imagine life without him in it.

Mitch turned 18 in April so we knew that he would have to leave us soon. He has been declining for a while. He slept most of the time, had a hard time walking, didn't eat much anymore, and was just plain old. This week he has been sick to his stomach a lot and last night he didn't sleep a wink. He was up and down, getting sick, and having accidents all over our room. As we watched him this morning, we realized that something was happening that caused him to no longer be able use his back legs. He had no control over his bladder or bowels and his breathing was labored. Poor fella.

We've taken care of him almost all of his life and we knew that we had to take care of him now. We couldn't just let him suffer. So we took him to the vet and they agreed that because of his age, there would never be an improvement in the quality of life and they reassured us that we were doing what was best for our first baby. We got to love on him and be with him as he faded away. He even licked my nose right before he laid his head down, just like he has always done. It's like he was saying "It's ok, thank you, I love you."

To say that he was like family is a significant understatement. He was family. He was our Mitch! Or "Mitcher," according to Evan or "Dirch," according to 1 year old Dylan. He loved our boys so much. He licked each of their feet when we brought them home from the hospital and they each had a bond with him that just grew from there. Even Tyson, who only got to spend 10 months with him, absolutely loved Mitch. He never cared when they pulled on his ears or laid on top of him or threw a ball at him or whatever little boys do. He always enjoyed them and licked their little faces. We couldn't have asked for a better doggy than our Mitch!

At our first house when Mitch was about 6 years old.

Bryan and I with Mitch in 2007
Mitch always let us dress him up for Halloween...poor guy.
My snuggle buddy.
Mitch was very interested in my belly when I
was pregnant with Dylan. He used to sniff and lick
my belly. 
He never left Dylan's side. He was just amazed by him!
Buddies from the start!
Dylan always loved walking Mitch
Mitch and Evan. They were the best of buddies
since the moment we brought Evan home!
Mitch always loved Evan.
They had such a special bond.

At our new house. Mitch finally had a back yard
to run around in! He loved it so much! He galloped through the
yard the first night we were here! He was so happy!
Mitch with his buddies!
Mitch with Tyson. He didn't have as much energy these days
but he still loved his newest friend. 
Earlier today, the boys were giving kisses to Mitch before we
took him to the vet.
One last picture with our boys and Mitch
We're going to miss you buddy!
While burying Mitch, Dylan took the shovel from
Bryan and started covering him with dirt. He was so brave,
so big, so mature! It was such a precious moment.
Our Mitch is buried just beyond the fence in our backyard.
He always wanted to run free. He would come back but he sure did love
to run! So, he's buried outside of the fence. He's free.
He's at peace.

Today I am thankful for all the years we had with Mitch. He enriched our lives in more ways than I could even begin to describe. When I try to think of a way to describe Mitch, the words "unconditional love" come to mind. No matter what he went through, what we did, where we went, how long we were gone, what we brought home with us (3 kids!) he never, ever, stopped loving us. He loved with a great big love that was different than any other pet I've had. I can't imagine life without him. I don't want to imagine life without him but I know that life goes on. God blessed us immeasurably when He put Mitch into our lives. I will always be grateful for this sweet puppy,
 How do I say goodbye? 

Mitch, you did so good buddy! You were such a good boy! You were so much more than Man's best friend! You were our Mitch! We could never have dreamed of a more perfect dog to be a part of our family. You have blessed us in more ways than you could ever know. You loved us through the good and through the bad. You've taught us to love no matter what. I hope you know how much we loved you. I hope you know that there will never be a dog that could take your place. We are so grateful that God allowed us to have you for almost 16 years. Life wouldn't have been the same without you. Thank you, Mitch, for loving us so well. We will miss you, sweet buddy, but we will not forget you.


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