Before and After!

I had a Norwex party at my house last night (which was so much fun!) and one thing that the consultant laid out for everyone to look at was a "Before and After" book. It contained all sorts of photos of things before they had been cleaned and after they had been cleaned. Like this:

During the party I watched everyone pass the book around and look at the pictures in amazement. Everyone oooo'd and ahhhh'd over the difference between the before and after. Those photos made a great impression for Norwex! 

We all love those types of photos don't we? We love to see someone have a make over and then see the before and after photos. Or if someone loses a lot of weight, we want to see what they looked like before compared to after. We enjoy seeing the before and after photos when houses and rooms are renovated or even antiques that are refurbished. The before and after reveals how much work has been, how much has truly changed, and proves that things have changed for the better! Here are some more like them...don't pretend you don't!

WOW, it's hard to deny that something changed in those pictures, isn't it?? I've been thinking a lot about this and I can't help but wonder...why aren't we more open about the "before and after pictures" of our own lives? 

Before I truly gave my life to Jesus I was an unruly, selfish, substance-abusing, inconsiderate, attention-seeker and people pleaser. I spent years doing things that I knew I shouldn't do because it felt good or because I thought it would help me "fit in" or be well liked. I did so many things that I am unproud of. Thank God that is my BEFORE! Now, I am no where near perfect, but I am so much different. I strive to please God before myself or others which makes a difference in every part of my life. I could show you a few pictures from my "wild" days that would probably scare you, make you laugh, and appall you all at the same time! I could also show you photos during that time where I look basically like I do now because I knew how to "fake" it. But if I could show you a picture of my heart from way back then and a picture from today, there would be no denying the changes that have taken place! 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians  5:17

Praise God! When I fully surrendered my life to Him, He changed me from the inside out. I honestly don't even recognize the person I was. I may look mostly the same (just older!) but I am a new creature. I know the same is true for many of you! So why don't we talk about it more? Why aren't we open about who we used to be? I think it's because we're embarrassed or we're worried that people won't be able to get past who we used to be but ya know what, all of those reasons are selfish! People love a good before/after photo! Can you imagine how much glory God would receive if we openly told how He has changed us? If people could really get an idea of who we were before, they could see all that He has done to change us! It would cause them to be in awe of Him and desire that in their lives as well! It would exalt our Lord and oh, doesn't He deserve that!?!?

Today I am thankful for the before and after of my life. The person I used to be no longer exists because my God created someone new when I was willing to surrender to Him. I would never go back to who I was, but I do believe that God can use my "before/after photo" to draw others close to Him! If you want to know more about my before, just ask! I'm an open book because I am no longer that person and I believe that God can use my story to bless others! 


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