Trip to Lowe's or an Adventure?

As you can probably imagine, there is never a dull moment in our home! Having an (almost) 7 year old boy, a three year old boy, and a 6 month old boy makes for an interesting day, everyday! Three little boys have sooooo much energy and talk a whole bunch and bring an incredible amount of joy where ever they go! That is true whether we're at home, at the grocery store, at the park or even at Lowe's Hardware store! 

Tonight we decided to take a family trip to Lowe's to buy some supplies for some projects we're doing around the house. The boys enjoy "helping" with the projects so we let them help pick some things out. It took two carts to tote our kids and our supplies through the store. Our caravan was large and LOUD! As I pushed the cart through the isles, listening to my kids make up songs about the different items they saw in the store, I just had to smile. Even if they are noisy, those boys might be the cutest things I've ever laid my eyes on! 

One of my favorite moments from the evening happened while we were outside picking out plants. We were not under the covered area in the greenhouse so when it started to drizzle, we could feel it. Evan looked at me and said, "Mommy, the sky keeps spitting on me!" I nearly busted out laughing! I said, "Honey, I think that's called rain!" He grinned an enormous grin and said, 'Oh yeah!" I also enjoyed watching Dylan help his Daddy get a pot from a really high shelf. He felt so big!! He really is a lot of help these days! It was just so funny to see him sitting on his daddy's head saying, "I got it, I got it, how many do you want?" 

Honestly, sometimes the busy-ness and nosiy-ness and hyper-ness can get to a Mommy of 3 boys. Each day I have to choose to see the joy and laughter and happiness these boys bring to my life. If I don't allow God to expose these things to me, I end up focusing on things that only bring me down and exaggerate my exhaustion and cause me to rush through my day. I am thankful today that God has shown me that it is my choice. I don't always make the right fact I don't make the right choice nearly enough probably, but I do always have the choice. 

I am grateful for these little ones. They are loud, busy, excited, joyful, emotional, messy, beautiful blessings! I am grateful that they turn even a simple trip to Lowe's into an adventure! I am thankful that they love me even when I'm exhausted, rushed, or frustrated. I am thankful that God allows me to choose how I view each day, each circumstance, each moment. I pray that I will remember this truth so that the days to come will be filled with joy and excitement as I raise these rowdy little angels!


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