Grateful IN vs. Grateful FOR

Last week was a really rough week for me. I don't usually share this type of information but throughout the week I've felt God nudging me. I believe He wants me to share this struggle because lots and lots of young moms have this same hurdle to jump. I suffer from Postpartum Depression. I have dealt with PPD after all three of my children. I thought it was pretty embarrassing after my first child and even kept it to myself after my second child but as I've grown as a mother and opened up to ladies within my church and some precious friends of mine, I realize that this is NOT something that I should be ashamed of or try to hide. In fact, hiding it only makes it worse. 

Postpartum Depression affects over 3 million ladies per year in the United States alone. It is a real. It is not something women make up. It is hard. It is debilitating at times. It does not mean the sufferer is crazy. It is common. It does not define the one suffering. It does not last forever. Although the person suffering may not feel like it, God can use even PPD for good!

As I've searched for reasons to be grateful throughout my battles with Postpartum Depression, I have often found it difficult, especially on the really bad days. God has taught me so many things though. One of my favorite lessons is that I don't have to be grateful FOR a situation but I can still be grateful IN the situation. Notice that 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." It doesn't say to be grateful FOR all circumstances because God knows that there are things we'll encounter in this life that are hard and ugly. He knows there are situations we won't be grateful for. God desires for us to seek out the blessings He has given us even when those blessings are hard to see. He wants to remember all the ways He has showered us with love even when we feel unloved. He wants us to count the many ways He has revealed Himself to us even when we feel weak and exhausted. He wants us to understand that whatever situation we are dealing with does not cancel out all the wonderful gifts He has given us or change who HE is.

Today I am thankful that God realizes that we may not always be grateful FOR the circumstances in our lives. He does, however, remind us that it is still His will for us to be grateful IN those circumstances. It isn't always easy but if we try, we can always find something of value in our lives. We will always be able to pinpoint at least one person or one thing that God has blessed us with. I haven't posted on this blog in 5 days because, like I said, last week was rough. I didn't write about it but I reminded myself in those moments to search for the good. I didn't have the energy to share those things with you but I promise, I found many, many things to be grateful, even in the pit of Postpartum Depression. I have good days and bad but irregardless of what kind of day I'm having, God is still so good!

If you are reading this and you also suffer from Postpartum Depression, please know that you are not alone. It isn't easy but even on the darkest of days, you will be able to find some good IN depression even though you aren't grateful FOR the depression. And remember, "Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you." Psalm 55:22a


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