Why not add 1 more dog to the mix?!?

I'm not sure what we were thinking. I guess 3 little boys, 1 elderly dog, 2 guinea pigs, a fish, and a turtle weren't enough. So, we added another dog to the mix! And can I just say, I'm still the only female in this house! Oh well....

We got our (close to perfect) dog, Mitch, at the animal shelter 15 years ago. He is now 17 years old. He has been the most amazing dog. He is well behaved, never barks, loves our kids and lets them love on him, doesn't tear anything up, and is always a joy to be around. He is still living but he doesn't have too much energy these days. He actually sleeps about 90% of time, bless his heart. 

Bryan and I have been thinking that our little boys need a dog to run and play with so we've been visiting the animal shelter for a while now. We've been looking for a dog that really stuck out to us. Honestly, we were probably looking for another Mitch! We found one last week that we really liked. We almost adopted him but someone else had already put an application on him. We were all really upset but we went home without a dog. We went back today and came across the most adorable little guy who was hiding in the corner of one of the kennels. He had a "roommate" who was literally jumping off the walls. This poor dog was terrified. We took him outside to interact with him some. He had his tail between his legs and would barely walk. He was shaking and cowering anytime someone went near him. Bryan ended up carrying him a lot of the time. We were almost worried that he was too scared and might not mix well with our rowdy boys but, they really wanted him! And I just kept thinking, "This poor dog needs to be rescued! This place is scaring him to death." So, we decided to bring this little guy home. 

Since coming home, he has turned into a different dog than the one we rescued a few hours ago. He isn't shaking. He isn't cowering. He isn't scared at all. In fact, he seems to love it here. He has gotten to know all of us by letting us rub him and hold him, even the rowdy boys! He has had a bath, eaten dinner, ran around in the back yard, and enjoyed a few treats. Best of all, he and Mitch are getting along very well. I think they are going to like having each other. Plus, we're hoping that Mitch will "teach him the ropes." 

Meet Max. 

He is a one year old terrier mix who is very friendly and a lot of fun. He really seems to like kids and already has 3 fans! Tyson especially, he smiles and laughs every time he sees him! So far he seems to be house trained and hasn't barked even once.  Although he has a lot more energy than Mitch, he isn't a puppy so he hasn't torn anything up or made a big mess. I'll be honest, he reminds me so much of Mitch!

All of my fellas. Max loves to sit on Bryan's lap!
He did so well with his first bath!
Evan  loves Max already!
Making himself at home on Evan's bed. 
Today I am grateful that we weren't able to get the dog we liked last week because I believe this is the dog God wanted for us. He needed to be rescued and we needed another sweet, friendly, well behaved, easy going dog. He is fitting right in! I am also thankful that Max and Mitch are becoming friends. You never know how two dogs will get along but so far, these two are doing great. They have a lot in common. I look forward to watching Mitch befriend our new family member. Also, I am grateful for the excitement I saw on the faces of my little boys today. They love Mitch but he doesn't play much. Max has already been playing with them and running around with them and laying in the bed with them. They can't wait to see him in the morning! Little boys need a dog, or maybe two!


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