Gratitude became a big part of my life during 2011. I challenged myself to think of at least one thing every day that I was thankful for. It wasn't always easy but I did it and I am forever changed because of it. I was forced to focus on God's blessings even when they were hard to see. I have decided to make gratitude a part of my daily life for years to come. I pray this blog will continue to be a blessing to all who read it.
Little Brother turns into a Big Brother!
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Awww, my littlest sweeties!
When I was pregnant with Tyson (although I thought it was Allison) I really worried about how Evan would adapt to being the middle child. He is such a sweetheart but he needs a lot of attention. I was nervous that homeschooling Dylan and taking care of the baby might cause Evan to feel left out and possibly dislike the baby because of it. I could not have been more wrong! The first month or two Evan just occasionally interacted with Tyson, but now that Tyson's personality is starting to emerge, Evan is his biggest fan! He enjoys talking to him, "playing" with him, giving him a bath, holding him, pushing him around in the walker, taking care of him, and singing to him. He hasn't helped change a diaper yet but I won't hold that against him!
After church on Sunday I found Evan on the couch singing to Tyson. It was so cute, I just had to video it! Here it is...
While Tyson was jumping in his Johnny Jumper today, Evan was cheering for him and talking to him when he noticed a booger on Tyson's face. He said, "Oh baby, you've got a booger on your face." I just watched him, waiting to see what he would do. He quickly reached over for a burp cloth and wiped his baby brother's face. I know it's silly but I could have cried! It was the sweetest thing! I just never imagined him being so enthralled with his baby brother! Most kids would say, "ewww....Mommy, wipe his face!" But not Evan. He took care of his "Tysie" (Evan's nickname for Tyson).
Evan wiping his baby's face!
Aren't they precious?!?
Today I am thankful that Evan has become such a wonderful big brother. I think having a younger sibling has been good for him. He has grown up in so many ways and has become Tyson's friend, protector, care-taker, and cheerleader. It is so much fun to watch. I am also grateful for these sweet memories they are making together. They might not remember but I will and as I allow these memories to replay in my mind, my heart will swell with joy all over again!
Would you believe me if I told you that life with 3 boys is wild?? You probably would, huh? I'm telling you, just an average Wednesday night in the Shaw household is full of all sorts of craziness! I did hear a first tonight though! Bryan was wrestling with the boys and suddenly Dylan starts yelling "Please don't give me a wedgie!" Now by those words, you would assume that he didn't want a wedgie but the way he was shaking his booty in front of Bryan and laughing, proved that he really did want a wedgie! HA! Then, of course, Evan and Tyson started saying, "Please don't give me a wedgie!" (One in English, one in toddler language) So we had three little boys running around shaking their tail ends and begging for wedgies. There. Is. Never. A. Dull. Moment. As you can see from this picture above, they got their wedgies! They thought it was hysterical! And I just had to show you the picture below, just to give you an id...
I have heard the term "beauty from ashes" a thousand times in the past week. It wasn't the first time I 've heard the term but I've always just brushed it off. Since I've heard it so much lately, I decided to pay it some attention. So here we go... The Bible says in Isaiah that God will give us beauty instead of ashes. In Biblical times it was the custom for people in great times of mourning and difficulty to lay down in ashes. Just imagine’ve got a big problem in your life so you just lay down in a pile of dirty ashes. There is absolutely nothing beautiful about this scenario. So where does the beauty come from? Can ashes really be turned into something beautiful? Scripture says that God is able to take the situation that burdens you or causes you pain and turn it into beauty. He can pick you up out of the ash pile of life and make something beautiful out of you. The Hebrew word for ashes is epher and the Hebrew word for beauty is pheer. Just m...
Today was a pretty rough day. I haven't been feeling well since morning sickness has started to invade my life and the boys just weren't themselves today either. It was just "one of those days." When the rain finally stopped, I put shoes and coats on my little ones and ran desperately for the door. They needed to run and play to get rid of some of that energy! At first they were riding bikes and running around but a few minutes later, when I turned around, I saw them using rakes to splash in a big mud puddle. Normally, I would have probably made them stop immediately but not today. They needed that time of messy fun and I needed to watch them being the adorable little boys they are. Its funny that without anyone even pointing out the mud puddle, they just knew what to do with it. Boys will be boys, I guess! Today I am thankful for mud puddles and rakes. Who knew my boys could have so much fun with a rake in a mud puddle! They were absolutely cov...
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