It's not about us!

Our Pastor said something during his sermon today that has crossed my mind numerous times today. He said, "The ultimate aim and goal of your life is not for you to be satisfied but for God to be glorified."

Hmmm.....that little sentence says a whole lot!

It is our tendency as humans living in a fallen world to care way too much about our own personal satisfaction. Regardless of how others feel, what others do, or how it affects others, we usually want to be satisfied. In fact, I think most of us believe that we are entitled to satisfaction. We act as though we deserve to have our every desire fulfilled and to never have anything horrible happen to us. But in reality, the goal of our lives is not our own happiness or satisfaction. God didn't put us here to to live happy, pain-free, rich, beautiful, easy, satisfied lives. He created us so that we could glorify Him, no matter what it takes.

If we truly consider that thought, it can change how we approach almost any situation we encounter. Do you have a big decision to make? We can ask ourselves how can this most glorify God instead of asking, what will make me happiest or what do I deserve? Is someone doing something to upset and you don't know how to handle it? We can ask ourselves, how will my reactions most glorify God instead of satisfying my need to get even? Has something tragic happened in your life? We can ask ourselves how God can be glorified through this experience instead of wondering why this thing has happened to us.

Today I am thankful that life isn't about us. It isn't about me. We often get very confused. We forget that this is God's story, not ours. Remembering that we were made to glorify God puts things into perspective. When I remember that it's all about Him, I don't get so offended when I don't get what I want. When I remember that I am here to worship and glorify Him, I spend more time focused on Him instead of myself. When I remember that the goal of my life is not my own satisfaction, it helps me to be selfless instead of selfish. I am grateful that our Mighty God has allowed me to be a part of His story. My page in His book may not be easy or free of pain or sickness but I still have a page! The goal of my page is not to be a happy, satisfied page. It is to be one page in the wonderful story that tells of our Great God and how awesome He is! 


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