Miracles Everywhere....

Dylan and I have been reading Charlotte's Web together for the past couple of weeks. Today we were reading about when Mrs. Arable went to visit Dr. Dorian with concerns about Fern and her fascination with animals. She asked Dr. Dorian if he thought the writing in the spider's web ("Some Pig, Terrific, and Vibrant") were miracles. Dr. Dorian responds with a really wonderful response. He said that he actually saw the spider web itself as the miracle. Mrs. Arable thinks his response is ridiculous until he asks her "Can you spin a web?" She replies, "No, but I can crochet and knit." He says, "But someone taught you those skills, didn't they? No one teaches the spider to spin a web, it just knows how. That is a miracle."

I paraphrased their conversation but you get the point. I loved that answer! I've never really thought about it. A spider's ability to spin a web is truly a miracle. It's proof that God equips even his smallest creations with the tools and the know-how to fulfill its purpose. This everyday miracle reminds me of a few other of God's smallest creatures and their amazing abilities. The firefly lights up as a form of communication that is very similar to morse code. How does it know how to do that? Who teaches it? The Dung Beetle can pull 1,000 times its weight. How can it do that? How does it know to try? Cicadas stay under ground for 13 to 17 years, depending on the brood, and suddenly burst out of the ground to reproduce. Millions of them come out of the ground at the same time and the offspring submerge themselves into the ground again. How do they know when to come out? How do millions of them simultaneously do this? The insects, just like spider, are absolutely amazing!! They are proof of God's awesomeness and creativity!

Today I am thankful for the spider and her web, the firefly, the dung beetle, and the cicada. I love these little reminders of God's craftsmanship that are all around us. It's easy for us to walk through life looking right past the thousands of miracles right under our noses. I am also grateful for the reminder that no one teaches these insects how to do what they were made to do. God simply equips them with all that they need. The same is true for us, God will equip us to be the mothers, fathers, friends, sisters, brothers, employees, teachers, etc that He created us to be. That is a comforting thought. He will never ask more of me than He equips me to be.


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