Drawers filled with blue...

I never would have thought that I would be completely redecorating our nursery when we brought the baby home from the hospital. I am happy to say that it is done, all except one or two decorative touches. Re-doing the nursery wasn't as much work as sorting through all the clothes, towels, burp cloths, blankets, etc. It has been a lot of work but I have finally packed away all evidence of pink and purple. I was really worried that we wouldn't have any blue to replace all that pink with because we had recently gotten rid of all of our boy stuff (since we thought we were having a girl!) BUT my God has come through for us! We have had so many friends and family that have brought clothes, towels, blankets, etc. We have everything we need for Tyson now! The room is now painted blue and the drawers are filled with blue! 

Look at all these baby boy items that we've been given since our "surprise" on Monday!
This isn't all of it either!
My little helper!
Today I am thankful for Jehovah Jireh, my God our Provider. It has become very clear through out the past week that God cares about the intimate details of our lives. He has provided everything we have needed for Tyson but also, most of what we've wanted. He knows how much it means to me to have a room ready for Tyson so He has provided everything we needed for a little boy room! He has also provided all necessary items for taking care of Tyson. We could have used the pink burp cloths but God has provided everything in blue and green. I'm so grateful that we have all we need!

 Jehovah Jireh, thank You for Your provision. Thank You for caring about me and my family and all the little details of our lives.


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