A date with my big boy!

Since this sweet baby girl seems to be taking her time entering the world, Bryan and I thought it might be a good idea for me to spend some time with each of the boys, by themselves. Pretty soon Allison will be getting a lot of my attention so we figured they would enjoy some one on one time with their Mommy now, before little sister arrives. Today Dylan and I went on a date. We ate lunch at Chick-fil-a and then watched "How to Train Your Dragon 2" at the Dollar Theater. It was so much fun hanging out with my big guy! He wanted to sit right beside me at lunch, which totally fine with me! He taught me a lot of interesting Civil War facts while we ate our chicken and waffle fries. He is such a smart fella! We both really enjoyed the movie and the chocolate chip cookies we smuggled in (shhh, don't tell anyone!)

Today I am thankful for a date with my big boy. The more kids we have the more rare times like these become. I enjoy spending time alone with each of my boys. I feel like I get a true glimpse of who God is molding them into when I have some time alone with them. These moments are really precious! I am also grateful that Dylan wanted to sit right beside his Mommy!  I know a a day is coming when that won't be "cool" anymore so I cherish times like this! 

A date with Evan is coming up! 


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