What does it represent???

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:16

Tonight Bryan and I saw the most amazing rainbow behind the pond that is beside our house. It was absolutely gorgeous. I can honestly say that I have never seen a real rainbow like that one before. The colors were so vibrant and it went across the entire sky. There was also a faint double rainbow, that doesn't really show up in the pictures. The pictures are pretty but they don't do it justice at all! 

Do you know what the rainbow represents? It represents God's covenant with His people. Do you know what the definition of "covenant" is? I wanted to be sure so I looked it up and it means agreement, guarantee, or PROMISE! I love the word promise. When I see a rainbow I am always reminded of God's promises. In the last month there has been one of these beautiful rainbows behind the pond beside our home two different times. We can look out our windows and see the symbol of God's promise or covenant. And these rainbows haven't been simple, little rainbows. They have been extravagant! Every time I see one I just have to stop and praise my Father for His fulfilled promises in my life. There are way too many to list but the main one, that really resonates with me, is our home and all that it represents in our lives. It took 5 years for my worker's comp case to settle and our new home to really become ours. It was a long 5 years but God fulfilled that promise to me and my family. He came through for us, just as He always does. Seeing that gorgeous rainbow tonight, right beside the home that means so much to me, just made my heart smile so big! My God is so faithful. He is so good.

Today I am thankful for God's fulfilled promises in my life. When I think back over my life I can think of so many promises that God never forgot. He has done so much for me! I am also grateful for the many promises that He has yet to fulfill. Regardless of what happens in our lives, we have so much to look forward to because God has great plans, that is a promise! Mostly, right now, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this home and the many blessings that have come along with it. Waiting 5 years has only made this fulfilled promise even sweeter! 


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