A letter from The White House...

A few weeks ago Dylan wrote a letter to President Barack Obama. Dylan loves learning about presidents and he thought it was so cool that he could write a letter to the current one. In the letter Dylan shared his love for the presidents and that he wanted to be president one day. We had all forgotten about the letter but today a package arrived in the mail from The White House.  Dylan received a personalized letter, an autographed photo of President Obama, a map of the White House, some activity sheets, and even pictures of the Obama's dogs. He was so excited to open his package! 

Dylan's Letter to President Obama
This letter arrived today from the white house!
An autographed picture!
A personalized letter!

Today I am thankful to live in a country where my children can dream big! If Dylan wants to be the president one day, that is a wonderful dream that he can pursue! This truly is an amazing country that God has blessed abundantly. We are so privileged to live here! I am also grateful that the President of the United States (or at least one of his secretaries) took the time to send my sweet boy a letter that was so special to him! My favorite line of the letter said, "Please know that I expect great things of you!" How awesome is it for a young boy to get this type of encouragement from the President!


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