"I see a whole lot of cows!"

Cow Appreciation Day has become one our family's favorite days! Chick-fil-a celebrates this day each year by allowing customers to dress up as cows and get free food! So today we dressed up in our cow attire and headed to a very crowded nearby Chick-fil-a. It's really amazing how much free food they give away. We got almost $20 in free food, just for our family. That is just one of the reasons we love Chick-fil-a!

Waiting on our free food!
Say "Mooooo" 
Dylan with the Cow!
Evan loved the cow!
Mama cow with Daddy Cow (I finally got to dress the way I've been feeling lately...as big as a cow!)

Today I am thankful for free food!! I'm not embarrassed, we'll dress up as cows for free food any day! Plus, its a fun time for our boys which I am also grateful for. Evan thought it was so much fun! He doesn't remember dressing up as a cow last year. When we were sitting in our booth he kept looking around saying, "I see a whole lot of cows!" Dylan thought it was pretty awesome too! He got really excited about decorating his mask and making his costume! A free evening with free food and a fun time with our kiddos, you can't get better than that!


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