The good news of Good Friday

Good Friday is the day we celebrate the death of our Lord and Savior. So why do we call it good? What He endured was far from good. Crucifixion was a gruesome, horrible way to die. I can't even imagine the pain and horror my Savior suffered as He was mocked, beaten, and eventually died on the cross for me. Those last two words, for me, are the reason we call it "Good Friday." He was willing to die that brutal death for me and you. Because He was our substitute, sin and death no longer have a hold on us. Now that is GOOD news!!

In celebration of Good Friday, we read the story of Jesus' crucifixion during our family devotions. We also made crosses out of nails to help us remember all that Jesus went through for us. He loves us so much! When Bryan was helping Evan make his cross I asked him what he was making and he said, "a cross." So I said, "Who died on the cross for you, Evan?" And he answered, "Jesus!" Even this little 2 year old is learning the good news of Good Friday! 

The plan was just to make the crosses but as we read, Dylan was interested in the term "Golgotha." So we learned that Golgotha means "The place of the skull" and it was where many people were crucified. Dylan had the idea to make 3 crosses and put them on Golgotha. We found a box and colored it and then placed the crosses on top. I love that Dylan shows so much interest in learning about his Savior's life and death!

Today I am thankful for the sacrifice my Jesus made for me and you. As we teach our boys about Jesus' death, I am eternally grateful that Jesus died for them as well. I am also thankful for this time of devotion with our sweet little guys. To know that my boys are learning what Jesus has done for them and how much He loves them brings such joy to my heart! 


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