Shaving cream and food coloring!

In celebration of Easter we dyed eggs this evening. We usually use the little kits that mix with vinegar but since I knew Evan would really want to participate this year, I was excited to find an activity that didn't involve cups of vinegar that might cause an enormous mess. This year we did something totally different!

This year we mixed shaving cream and food coloring in a baking dish.  
The boys used plastic utensils to mix the colors a little.
Next we rolled the eggs around in the shaving cream.
Dylan got a little carried away. 
Then we scooped them out onto a paper towel.
We left the eggs on the towels for 10-15 while we read our family devotions.
This gives the food coloring time to soak into the eggshell.
Then wipe all the shaving cream off.
The eggs turned out pretty good! Very colorful and each one is unique!

Today I am thankful for shaving cream and food coloring! It was so much fun to dye Easter eggs this way. Both of the boys really enjoyed themselves. As we wiped away the shaving cream and we could really see the final product Evan shouted, "That is awesome!" 


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