
The weather has been absolutely beautiful so we spent almost the entire day outside! We were at the park all morning with some friends from church and then this afternoon, we played on tricycles and scooters. The boys always enjoy being outdoors and today was no exception.

These boys are sooo funny!
Evan has gotten so good at riding his tricycle!
Dylan's bike is in storage so he has been riding the tricycle too.
Sometimes they ride it together....
My little guy giving me "lady flowers."
Dylan and Evan were so sweet to bring their mommy some flowers. Evan calls them "lady flowers" because Bryan taught him to take flowers to ladies. He just kept on bringing me lady flowers! I think both of them would have stayed outside the rest of the night!

Today I am thankful for the gorgeous weather we've been having. The boys and I just can't get enough of it. I am also grateful for a fun time with friends at the park this morning and a relaxing afternoon at home. So far, spring is turning out to be lovely. It's definitely my favorite time of year!



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