A Snuggle Buddy

Today has been a really rough day with my back. I don't know why but some days the pain is just so much worse than others. Today, after finishing our school work and taking Dylan to his life classes, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to lay down with my heating pad cranked up. After laying there for a couple of minutes, my little snuggle buddy climbed up on the couch and laid with me. Watching Sesame Street has never been so wonderful! Believe it or not, he actually did lay still for a few minutes. I enjoyed it so much. These days Evan is really busy. He runs and climbs and skips every where he goes. He doesn't sit still very often so this was a real treat. Today I am thankful for my sweet little fella and the time we were able to snuggle together. The back pain gets really old sometimes but I never grow tired of these tender moments with my boys. I am also thankful that I have the ability to lay down when I need to, for medicine thats helps me with my pain...