Simple moments...

With all the hustle and bustle that comes with the Christmas season, it is rare to have a relaxing day with nothing to do this close to Christmas. So, needless to say, I really enjoyed having a whole day to enjoy with my little family. Our church service didn't start until 11:00am so we spent the morning playing ball and laying on the floor while Evan crawled all over us. We went to church and then to lunch together. While Evan took his nap, Dylan and I made Jesus' birthday cake. He insisted that I make Jesus a cake since I always make his cakes. He designed the cake and told me exactly how he wanted it to look. He was  very "helpful" and very excited! Once the cake was done we ran some errands and then went to see Christmas lights. We topped off the evening by lighting our Advent wreath and discussing the Christmas story.

Putting the icing on Jesus' Birthday cake

He is such a big helper

So, does it look like the blue print? We'll add the candles on Christmas day.

Lighting the Advent Wreath

Today was an uncomplicated and quiet day with my family. These days are priceless! I absolutely love spending time with my husband and our precious boys. Today I am thankful for the simple moments in life, just being with the ones I love. I am so blessed!


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