In His Hand...

My back has been giving me a fit the past couple of days. So, today while my boys napped, I took a long hot bath. For a while I laid completely submerged in the water. As I laid there, I could hear my heart beating in the water. It was so strange. While I listened to my heart rhythmically beating, I recalled learning that a human's heartbeat is an involuntary process. Involuntary processes are those that take place whether we focus on them or not. Some other involuntary processes include breathing, blinking, digestion, and blood circulation. We don't think about doing these things but they happen anyway. Without these processes, our bodies wouldn't function correctly. Many scientistswould say that these involuntary processes are controlled by our nervous system but the Bible says that these things are controlled by God.

Job 12:10 says "In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." As I listened to my heartbeat today, I was amazed by the thought that God is making my heart beat, each and every time. He also makes sure that I am breathing while I sleep, blinking while I read, and that my blood is flowing through my body as I enjoy life. Not only does God do this for me, He does it for 7 billion other people that are living right now. We take these things for granted, never even considering that God has our next breath in His hands. 

Today I am thankful that God is in total control of my heart beating, my next breath and even my digestion. He doesn't leave these processes up to me to remember. These most vital bodily functions are in His hands. Thank you God, for keeping me alive! Thank you for giving me my next breath!


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