Unchangeable and Unchanging

"Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with Your hands. They will perish, but You remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing. . . . But You are always the same; You will live forever." Psalm 102:25–27 (NLT)

Today's Words of the Day : Unchangeable and Unchanging
I must have heard these words or variations of these words at least 10 times today. For example, first thing this morning I heard a song that I haven't heard in years. One of the main words in the song that is repeated over and over again was unchangeable. This afternoon, I watched a video that praised God for His Faithfulness because His love always remains and never changes. This evening, during family devotions, the topic in Jesus Calling for Kids was about God's consistency, His unchanging presence, and our ability to trust Him. And that's just a few examples!

When this happens, I start to think that maybe God is trying get my attention. I think He has been reminding me today that He is unchangeable, unchanging, and will always be here with me. There is nothing that anyone can say or do or even imagine that can change God or His plans for me. He is the same God that created the stars. He is the same God that parted the Red Sea. He is the same God that made the walls of Jericho fall. He is the same God that sacrificed His only Son and raised Him from the dead. The same God that created oxygen, blackberries, mountains, wind, and butterflies also loves me and promises to never leave me.

Today I am thankful that I serve an unchangeable and unchanging God! No one can change Him and He doesn't desire to change. People and circumstances will change. We grow older and change each and every day but God...God remains. He never changes. Hallelujah! Can you imagine if a mere man could change God? Can you imagine if He were as fickle as man? He will always love us. He will never leave us. He will always remain. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.—Hebrews 13:8


  1. This is so needed right now and I appreciate you sharing, although I tell this to people over and over I had become a little complacent where I was and needed that reassurance that His promises include me. Hes never failing, never ending, always here for me. He remains regardless. I think I know the song you were listening to ...one thing remains by Matt Redmond. It always ministers to me as well. God bless you sweet friend.

  2. This is so needed right now and I appreciate you sharing, although I tell this to people over and over I had become a little complacent where I was and needed that reassurance that His promises include me. Hes never failing, never ending, always here for me. He remains regardless. I think I know the song you were listening to ...one thing remains by Matt Redmond. It always ministers to me as well. God bless you sweet friend.

    1. I'm so glad this post encouraged you Dee! I often need reminders and I'm so glad that God is faithful to remind of me of His faithfulness!


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