Little Family Projects

The plan was to start homeschooling Dylan this past Monday but it had to be postponed a week due to my surgery. (That's the beauty of homeschool, it can be postponed!) So I've been getting things ready this week. Its taking a while but its all coming together. Believe me, it isn't easy for a classroom teacher to move from a classroom full of stuff to a small closet full but I am super excited about this new adventure!  As a family, we have been working on a chart stand for our pocket chart. We all helped and it turned out great! We will start using it next week.

Today I am thankful for little family projects. Its fun to work on something as a family and to have a functional final product. I am also grateful that Dylan is always so willing to help. He is learning to work together, to follow instructions, and to make things instead of always buying them. Plus, I love doing just about anything with my little family!


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