Our God
I may have mentioned this in a past post, but lately it seems that God keeps trying to teach me that He is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do! I've noticed it with Dylan's new favorite song but then also again tonight at church. Pastor Eric was talking with the students about our ability to trust and depend on God. He repeatedly said the phrase, "He is who He says He is. He will do what He says He will do. You can trust Him." (The repetitive nature of this phrase in the past few weeks blows my mind!)
Thank you God for reminding me, again! I am so stubborn. It takes me way too long to truly learn things. Even in the midst of trusting and depending, I start to worry and become weary. He doesn't want that for me. He wants me to trust Him. He is greater, stronger, and higher than any other. He is healer and awesome in power! He is who says He is. If He is for me, who can stop me? If He is with me, what can stand against me? He will do what He says He will do!
Today I am thankful for those little reminders that God sends my way. I am thankful that He is dependable and I can trust Him. I am grateful for my sweet little boy's voice that has been reminding me who God is for the past few days. God is so good! Thankfully, He continues to remind me of that!
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