He will fight for you!

Sometimes I wonder if God thinks I am stubborn. Well, I guess I should say, "I must be stubborn because it seems like God thinks so." Occasionally I come across a Bible verse or topic that seems to pop up every where I go. It makes me think that God is really trying to get His point across and its just taking me a while to fully "get it."

I've had this experience this week with a verse I have never even noticed before. Exodus 14:14 says, "The Lord will fight for you. Just stay calm." A few days ago, Bryan asked me to read his daily devotional before I went to an appointment that was a pretty important part of my worker's comp case. As I read the devotional, I saw Exodus 14:14. That verse comforted me as I left for the appointment and it kept entering my mind as waited and participated in the appointment. Without going into a lot of boring details...the Lord did fight for me in this appointment. He fought in some pretty awesome ways! When I left that appointment, I was overjoyed!

Later that day, I was listening to Klove on the radio when they shared their daily "encouraging word." It was Psalm 69:42 which says, "“The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help be encouraged." As I heard this I felt like God was reassuring me that He, indeed, had been work in my life and would continue to be. We are encouraged when we seek His help.

I went to the dentist office today. As I looked around the room I noticed a framed piece of artwork that boldly stated, "Stay calm and Love on!"  Reading that statement sent my mind sailing back to Exodus 14:14 again. When I stay calm and let God do the fighting for me, am I open and available to love. 

This afternoon, while doing the "Believing God" Bible study, Exodus 14:14 popped up again. I am so happy to have studied this verse today because I got some clarification. At this point in Exodus, the Israelites are about to cross the Red Sea. They are nervous and worried and telling Moses they want to go back to Egypt. Good Ole' Moses tells them to stand firm, "The Lord will fight for you. Just stay calm." When the Lord was ready, he told the Israelites to "Move On!" And of course, as we know, The Lord did fight for them. He parted the Red Sea, let the Israelites pass through on dry land and then caused the sea to crash down on the Egyptians that were chasing behind them. They just needed to stay calm and wait for the Lord. He paved the way for them but they had to do the walking when He told them to "move on."

Ohhhh, ok, I get it now! Exodus 14:14, Psalm 69:42, the sign at the dentist's office are all parts of a bright neon flashing sign that God has been trying to draw my attention to. 

I've been out of work for almost 3 years because of my back injury. Although my pain remains, some of the other aspects of the case are finally starting to be worked out (maybe). I've been dealing with this for so long that sometimes its easy for me to start getting nervous, just like the Israelites. The appointment I had the other day could play a big part in my case. Seeing Exodus 14:14 that morning was just what I needed to be reminded that God has this under control and that I need to stay calm. Having these truths pointed out to me this week has helped me to realize that I am on the edge of my "Red Sea." Something is about to happen in my life. I can choose to fret and panic like the Israelites or I can choose to stay calm and let God do His thing! I just need to be ready, waiting, and listening so I'll be ready when the Lord says, "move." 

I feel like shouting! I want to jump up and down! God has this under control! He is fighting for me! I can relax and rest in His great power! Today I am thankful that God has allowed me to read, see, and hear these truths. I am so glad He knows how stubborn I am and is willing to keep speaking until I finally "get it." I am grateful that He is fighting for me and has my best interest in mind. This has been a long journey and I've had some moments of frustration and worry but, I am choosing to stay calm and let God fight this fight for me. I am so excited to see what He is going to do!


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