God's creations

Bryan and Dylan went outside tonight, once it got somewhat dark, to catch Lightning bugs. Dylan had a terrific time! He ran inside with his little bug jar and showed me all 7 of the lightning bugs that he caught. He took them in his room and turned off the light to see if they would light up. When they didn't flash very much, he  told me that they didn't like to light up unless they were flying. He was so excited about those little bugs! He is already planning to look for more tomorrow night.

Have you ever wondered why God created Lightning bugs? After seeing Dylan's excitement about them tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if God created them just for His children to enjoy.

 I've seen Lightning bugs a thousand times but it wasn't until today that I stopped and really considered how amazing they are. Not only do these beetles light up to attract a mate, which is ridiculously amazing by itself, but they have special flash patterns. So that a flash pattern doesn't attract a mate of another species, each Lightning bug species has its own flash pattern. Flash patterns range from continuous glows, single flashes, series of flashes, to multi-pulsed flashes. What? These bugs basically have their own version of Morse code! That is spectacular! 

Today I am thankful for God's creativity. If we all took a few minutes to look around, we would be in complete awe of God's creations. A lot of His most beautiful creations don't serve much of a purpose, really. Think about butterflies, starfish, giraffes, penguins, and seahorses. Each of these creatures are incredible but the world would be the same with or without them.  I bet God created many of His creatures simply for His pleasure and ours. I want to take more time to enjoy all the marvelous things God has made!


  1. Pure joy through the eyes of a child - precious! God had His hand on the intricate design of "even" a lightning bug... kinda reminds me of the uniqueness of a human's finger prints. Very cool!


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