
Today while listening to KLOVE on the radio, I heard an incredible story. During the huge Tsunami that occurred 7 years ago an eight year old girl was separated from her family. It was assumed that she was swept away in the huge wave. Recently in a coffee shop someone overheard her story and helped her reunite with her family. The 15 year old girl couldn't remember her family member's names but she thought she remembered her grandfather's name so someone was able to lead her to her to him. She was positively identified as "Meri Yuranda" by a scar over her eye and a mole on her hip. Her mother told the press that she has her father's face so she knew it was her the second she saw her.
Wati, second right, with her father Yusuf, mother Yusniar, and brother Aris at their home yesterday.

Today I am thankful that God is still performing miracles! There are two amazing miracles in this story. The fact that all these family members survived the Tsunami when 200,000 people died is a miracle! Meri Yuranda being reunited with her family after 7 years is another miracle! I can't imagine being that little girl's mother. Seeing her face again after all these years must have been so wonderful. Thank you God for such an awesome blessing for this family!


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