Is this it?

I visited my Grandmother today. She isn't doing well. I never knew the term "death's rattle" was true but I heard it today. As I sat on her bed and watched her lay motionless, lifeless, with that horrible rattle in her lungs, I couldn't help but ask, "Is this it?" I cried over her, prayed over her, and relived memories of her in my mind. 
"Is this it? Is this the best of whats to come for her?"

My Grandmother has been in a nursing home for 7 years. She suffers severely from Dementia and has had a really rough time. She has been unable to feed or dress herself for a while now and she cannot speak or remember who her family is. After 7 years of living this way, she is unresponsive, not eating or drinking at all, and has that terrible rattle. Seeing my Grandmother at the end of her life wasn't easy but I am so glad that I visited her today. Regretfully, I do not know if this is "it" for her. I honestly do not know if she ever accepted Christ as her Savior or not. My heart breaks at the thought of that. 

As a Christian, I know that something better waits for me. I know that Jesus has prepared a place for me. THIS IS NOT IT FOR ME!  I can only hope and pray that my Grandmother will be there when I arrive.

John  14:2-3 “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

This life is hard. It is cruel. When we near the end of our lives, it might be even harder. Today I am thankful that THIS ISN'T IT! There is more for those who put their trust in Jesus! After seeing my Grandmother today and feeling the heartbreak and concern I have for her future, I feel a heavy burden.....If you do not live your life for Jesus, put your total trust in Him, and know that you will spend eternity in Heaven, please do not wait any longer. I beg you! Your salvation is awesome gift for yourself but also to your family. Not knowing where my Grandmother will be when she passes is such a horrible thought. Please give your family the gift of knowing that they will see you again. 


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