Whatever You're doing....

"Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but now I can see
This is something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly"

This morning while driving home from the farmers market I heard "Whatever You're Doing" by Sanctus Real. This was one of my favorite songs when I first injured my back. While listening to it today I couldn't help but reflect on my journey since my back injury 2 years ago. At that time my life felt like chaos and I couldn't really understand what God was doing in my life. Today I can see where God has brought me and I am so grateful. The back pain, back surgery, recovery, and continued back pain haven't been fun but God sure does know what He is doing. When I look at my life and I see these two precious little boys that I am able to stay home with, I can't help but cry out in praise for what I've been through! God has blessed me over and over again through a difficult situation. I would have never chosen this path for myself but I wouldn't change a thing now.

To God be the glory! I can trust Him in EVERY situation, EVERY season of life. Even when life feels like chaos, He is doing something heavenly.


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