Walking on streets of gold...

"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints."
Psalms 116:15

We found out this morning that Bryan's grandfather went home to be with Jesus. Although it breaks our hearts to say goodbye to such an amazing husband, father, grand-father, and great grand-father, Bryan and I are rejoicing because Popop is now walking on streets of gold! He has no more pain or sadness, no more Earthly worries and no more tears. He is home! One day we will see him again! Hallelujah!

Popop with his Great Grand-Children

Today I am thankful that death doesn't win! Jesus' death on the cross provided a way for believers to spend eternity in Heaven. Although each of will come to the end of our Earthly lives, we can spend forever praising our Awesome God! In reality, nothing is better than that. Death is so sad for those that are left behind but its a joyous occasion for the person going home!

 ”When the time comes for you to die, you need not be afraid, because death cannot separate you from God’s love.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon


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