November already?

This time last year I took part in the "30 days of Thankfulness" challenge on Facebook. I shared one thing I was thankful for each day of November. Someone asked me, "can you really think of 30 things to be thankful for?" After pondering over that question, I decided to make this challenge a year long event. I've been posting something I'm grateful for every day of this year! I cannot believe its been a year since I started making gratitude such a big part of my life. Today I am thankful for this blog. Most days its been easy to write but there have been those days when its been difficult to find something I'm thankful for. Overall, I've had to really think about the blessings in my life. Trying to write something different each day hasn't always been easy but it has been a gift....searching for the blessings in life everyday changes the way you look at life altogether. I am so grateful for this experience and for all the gifts God has given me.


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