When God gives you peace....

I've been bothered by a situation for a few days now, feeling badly about myself and my family's financial situation, wishing for this and for that. Today after praying hard over this situation, I felt as though God suddenly gave me peace. It was as if He reminded me that He has provided all that we need and that I do not to feel badly for not having the money that others have. We may not have the extra money to do all the things others can do and we may not have the most elaborate home or cars but God has blessed us with so much. I don't have to feel as though others are more valuable than us because they have more possessions; our value comes from another Source. It is an amazing feeling to be content with where God has placed us and with what He has given us. Today I am thankful that God reminded me of all He has done for us, that He has given me peace over the ordeal we've been dealing with, and that I feel content with what we have. God is so good!!   


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