Jury Foreman

I've spent the last two days serving in the jury of a criminal case. The trial ended today and I was the Jury Foreman. As I led the deliberations among the jurors, I couldn't help but think about how grateful I am to live in a country where a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Its because of this fact that our group found the defendant not guilty. The District Attorney simply did not provide enough evidence, therefore, we couldn't find him guilty (even though its quite possible this gentleman was guilty.) In countries all over the world, this man would have been thrown in prison or abused in some way with absolutely no trial. Although there are many things wrong with the United States government, today I am thankful to live in a country where guilt must be proven. I am also thankful for the opportunity to serve as a juror. The thought of jury duty usually brings about groans and complaints but overall, it was a very interesting experience!


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