Pretty Please, with Sugar on Top!

Dylan loves to help me bake but its been a while since I've felt like baking. So, this morning he was super excited to help me make muffins. He pulled his chair up to cabinet, stirred the mixture and then put all the cups into the miffin tin. He is such a big help! Now comes the hard part, waiting on them to be finished. He took the timer and turned it and said "Its twenty degrees" and then went into the living room to wait. (I don't know where the twenty degrees came from). About 16 minutes later, the muffins were done and Dylan was sooooo ready for one! He asked if he could have a muffin, "pretty please, with sugar on top!"  I have never heard him say that before!! It was absolutely adorable.
Today I am thankful for Dylan's sweet personality. God did an amazing thing when He made each of us so different. This world would be so boring if we were all the same. I'm so glad God made Dylan just the way he is!


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