Tyson Is Five!

Today we celebrated Tyson's 5th birthday! Well actually, we've celebrating all week! We started with a family party last Sunday evening, then a fun party with friends at Safari Nation yesterday, and today we topped it all off with lunch at McDonald's! We allowed Tyson to choose anything he wanted to do today and he chose McDonald's!  He is so laid back and easy going, that trip to McDonald's made his day!

While Tyson has been enjoying such a wonderful week celebrating his birthday, I've been trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he is 5!! It just doesn't seem possible that it's been five years since we received the biggest surprise of our lives! 

We had been told Tyson was a girl throughout my pregnancy but he surprised us all! He has been one of the biggest blessings in my life and I wasn't one bit prepared for him! When we were told we were having a girl we sold all the boy baby items and bought girly things. The room was pink and purple. We even brought pink and purple with us to the hospital. When we were told "it's a boy," we were so shocked and I felt so unprepared. I didn't want him to have to wear pink for even one moment. I was so concerned that he would grow up thinking we didn't want him. My heart went through so many emotions. 

Now, looking back, I can see how much God has taught me through that experience. I didn't know what God had planned. I prepared for months and thought I was ready but then quickly realized I wasn't prepared at all. Although it was a difficult time in some ways, I wouldn't trade it for anything. God knew I needed this little boy in my life. He is the most snuggly, loving child I have ever met. He brings so much joy and love into our family. The thought of not having him in our lives, is more than my heart can handle. God's ways are so much better than ours. 

Today I am so thankful for this little fella and all the happiness he adds to my life! Happy 5th Birthday Tyson! I can't wait to see all that God does with your life!


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