
A few days ago Evan gave me this sweet card. On the envelope he drew one heart in the middle with 5 hearts surrounding it. When I saw it I said, "Is that me with you and your dad and your siblings surrounding me?" He said, "Nope. God told me that you needed to know that He has angels surrounding you all the time. This is the picture God told me to draw." 

My heart nearly burst. 

I'm not naive to the seriousness of the ministry I've begun or oblivious to the spiritual battle that is going on all around me. I'm aware of so many things the enemy is messing with on a daily basis. I pray often for protection over my family and for reassurance that God is watching over us. This precious drawing and the words God gave Evan to share with me were the reassurance I had been praying for. 

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." Acts 2:17

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to witness my son prophesying. A prophet is someone who speaks by divine inspiration. Evan has definitely been hearing from the Lord and is bold enough to share what he hears. It's an incredible thing to watch God at work in our home and our children! I am also thankful that God has His angels surrounding me and my family. I can rest assured that He is watching over me and fighting for me.

Thank you Father! 


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