"Pig Slop Moments"

During the post-abortion Bible studies I lead, we often talk about the story of the prodigal son found in Luke 15. I always ask the ladies how they can relate to this story. Last night, as we discussed this passage, one of the participants shared that she recently had the type of eye-opening moment mentioned in verse seventeen. It was a moment that caused her to truly see her need for a Savior, that she referred to as her "pig-slop moment."

"He persuaded a local farmer to hire him, and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs. The young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything. When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger! I will go home to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you." Luke 15:11-32 (NLT)

Many believers can relate to her statement because we've also had a "pig-slop moment," or maybe a few. If you haven't yet, don't be surprised if you do in the future. These experiences often bring us to our knees and force us to see that we can't handle things on our own, we aren't in control, and we need help. Because of our tendency to be prideful, feel entitled, and think we've got things handled, we often need difficult experiences to bring us to our senses, as some versions say.

These "pig-slop moments" aren't fun. They are often miserable, in fact. They can consist of feeling alone, being hurt by others, losing something or someone, being in need financially or physically, dealing with pain or disease, struggling emotionally, and much more. No one wants these circumstances in their life, and we often question why God would allow hardships and heartache, but I believe they are necessary for us to realize how desperately we need Him.

"Pig-slop moments" are often also necessary for the ones we love, pray for, and desire to find Jesus. We would never want to pray for a something awful to happen to someone but I believe we can pray for God to allow something to bring them to their senses so they can see more clearly.

God never wants us to experience pain of any kind. He also never desires for His children to feel loss or rejection. But He allows us, and our loved ones, to exercise our free-will, which often results in us enduring the consequences that follow. However, our Heavenly Father has an amazing way of using those things for our good.

When we find ourselves in the "pig-slop moments" of life, God is right there, waiting for us to turn towards Him in surrender. He is not mad at us. He's never shaking His finger at us. And He will not turn us away. Just like the Father in the story, He is waiting with open-arms, ready to welcome us home.

If you're in one of those moments today, I pray you'll come to your senses and become of the "pig-slop" all around you. May this be the day you surrender and run to the Father.



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