Growing Through the Difficulties

I know so many people going through difficult situations currently, ranging from relationship struggles to financial issues, health concerns to abuse. Regardless of the circumstances, it's just plain hard for so many people right now. As someone who easily empathizes with others, I often desire to rescue them from the situations they face. I just want to help in some way, to lessen the burden they carry. In this season, many of my friends are facing circumstances that seem impossible to be rescued from. I've found myself crying out to God, wanting to help but not knowing how, and feeling frustrated by it all. 

As I was praying this morning, my mind was filled with a memory of something that caught my attention a few weeks ago. As I was working in our yard, replanting a few Hostas that haven't been thriving like they used to, I saw something incredible. I dug up one of the plants, clearing away the leaves and debris that surrounded the roots, and saw that one of the shoots had grown directly THROUGH a leaf that had been covering it. I do believe the leaves and debris were keeping the plant from thriving, but this little plant didn't let the leaves keep it from growing. Instead, it pushed right through the barrier that threatened to prevent any growth at all. 

The Hosta may not have grown as much as it could have or as much as it has in the past, but it didn't allow the leaves to keep it from growing at all, which reveals the determination, the strength, and the perseverance of that plant!

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Romans 5:3-5 (NLT)

After praying, I found the pictures I had taken of the plant and as I looked at them, I realized that there are things in life we simply cannot be rescued from. There are situations and circumstances that we must grow through because they are purposeful and will help us become the men and women God created us to be. The experience of growing through the difficulties will strengthen us and we will be an inspiration to others as well. 

If you or someone you know is facing a mountain that seems unmovable, I pray you'll remember that some mountains aren't meant to be moved; they are meant to be climbed. And in the climbing, the strength and the experience gained is priceless. It will give us the ability to cheer others on as they climb their own mountains. 

I would have tried to rescue Joseph from being sold as a slave, attempted to prevent Daniel from being thrown in the lion's den, and definitely wouldn't have allowed David to fight a giant. But all of those seemingly impossible situations were used for good in their lives and have inspired countless others. The desire to help others is Christ-like. Afterall, Jesus came to rescue all of us! But in the moments when we feel helpless, we can trust that God hasn't forgotten about us or our loved ones. He is in the business of helping people grow through the circumstances that threaten to hold us down. 



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