Peace Like a River, Not a Pond

As I was reading the Bible today, I came across Isaiah 48:18, which says,  "If only you had paid attention to My commands. Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea." 

I could help but wonder, what does God mean by peace like a river? So I started asking myself, what are the characteristics of a river? What words do not describe a river? 

Rivers are a flowing body of water, usually with a quick moving, loud current. They can be wide and deep at times but also have places that are shallow and easy to walk through. Rivers lead somewhere, typically to a larger body of water, like an ocean or lake. Creeks, streams, and tributaries continuously flow into rivers. Rivers often contain waterfalls and are full of life including many species of fish, crocidiles, turtles, ducks, otters, etc. Rivers are vibrant and even exciting, at times.

I think when most people consider God's peace, they probably envision something more like a pond. They may imagine peace as a quiet, still, contained, controlled life. 

Isaiah 48:18 tells us that when we obey God, He gives us peace like a river and righteousness like the waves of the sea. That promise is not boring, still, calm, or controlled.

The more I think about this, the more I like it. Even when life doesn't seem peaceful, God's peace is there. It's active, loud, deep, and alive. There will be rocky times and maybe even dangerous experiences (I'm thinking of white water rafting!) There will be serene, beautiful moments as well. There will be times we fill depleted or empty but like a river, we will be replenished by creeks and tributaries like fellowship with worship, time with fellow believers, prayer, and time in the Word. No matter what, the peace we're promised goes with us. 

All that's required of us is to obey the Lord. He knows what's best for us, He cares for us, and He sees what's to come in our lives. So its best to obey anyway, but when we do, God provides a beautiful, active, never-fading peace.

Peace like a river, instead of a pond, is something we all need on a daily basis. When life gets tough or rocky, I would have to leave pond-like peace behind me and endure the difficulties alone. River-like peace goes with me, and for that I am grateful. 


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