The Things Swirling Through My Mind

 Yesterday I was overwhelmed by all the things running through my mind. As I prayed about it all, I felt the Lord say, "Put it on paper." So, I did. I don't usually share my drawings because it's something I've only recently started doing and I'm not confident in my abilities yet. However, I felt led to share this one because as I looked at it, I thought about all the other mothers out there that might relate.

Each of the words written on that paper are things I thought about or dealt with yesterday. Some of the things are minor while others are huge. I was able to mark some of them off of my to-do list while I didn't get to others. Some of it was planning for what needs to be done and some of it was worrying over constant struggles. Regardless, all of this stuff, and probably more that I forgot about, was swirling through my mind during the hours I was awake. 

When I took a good look at the chaotic collage of stuff I deal with on a day-to-day basis I thought, "Its no wonder I feel overwhelmed." I shouldn't be surprised by the anxiety I deal with or the feelings of inadequacy I experience when I can't get it all done. 

I know everyone's mind is filled with different things, some more cluttered than others, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one whose head is an unorganized, over-filled mess at times. As mothers, I think we are especially burdened with the desire to be the perfect mom, wife, Christian, friend, family-member, home-maker, employee, volunteer, etc. Many of us also deal with constant frustration over our appearance because we think we should look a certain way. Not to mention, all the typical stress that comes along with taking care of a home, mothering little humans, and being an attentive wife. 

I've been forced to ask myself, is that picture what God wants for me? 

I don't believe it is. 

He knows that we have responsibilities and obstacles in life. He knows that our children can be demanding and our home needs to be tided. He knows that we can't get it all done and that we struggle with guilt and aggravation when we realize we aren't able. He knows about our ever-growing to-do list and our seemingly unreachable goals. He knows that we have wonderful intentions but don't always have the means to carry it all out. He knows every detail about the stuff swirling around in our heads. He knows we are often overwhelmed and tired.

Many times, those we confide in say things like, "You're just trying to do too much," or "Just don't let that stuff bother you." But the truth is, a lot of our "stuff" can't be ignored, much of it is good stuff, most of it is necessary, and we often think about it because its important to us. I believe that's why Jesus give us this beautiful invitation in Matthew 11:28.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

The Passion Translation puts it this way, “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.”

This invitation is for anyone that needs refreshment and rest. It's for anyone who is weary or burdened. Jesus knows the chaos that often takes up space in our minds so He offers the opposite to us. Going to Him is not another thing to add to our list, its the reprieve from the list. It's what we desperately need to survive all the stuff that needs to be done and the issues we must face. His presence is the antidote for all the anxiety and unrest we experience.

Today, I am grateful for this invitation. When I start to feel overwhelmed, which is pretty much a guarantee, I will be going to the source of peace and rest. All the hurriedness and tension eases when I run to Him. It's my prayer that you will, too.



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