Something Beautiful...

It is very rare for me to look at a photograph of myself and see something I like. I typically find every single flaw, point out every little wrinkle, and deem the picture ugly because I don't like my weight. Even if someone else says a picture of me is pretty, I have a hard time believing them. 

When I look at this photo however, I actually see something beautiful. 

I could still pick it apart and find things I don't like but I haven't allowed myself to do that because this image reveals something much more valuable than the way my hair looks or my size. 

When I look at this image, I see the goodness of God. I see someone who was once dead but is now ALIVE. I see someone who once wore a shroud of shame but now wears a robe of righteousness. I see someone who used to be terrified to share her story but now allows God to use her biggest regret to help others find healing. I see someone who cannot help but praise her Heavenly Father.

This photograph screams HEALED, WHOLE, AND FREE.

None of this has occurred because of me. It's all because of Jesus. I am so grateful for all the ways He has changed my life and I am thankful for this photo that so beautifully exposes the work He has done within me. 



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